Monday, October 7

Nik's Wine Bar

Nik's Wine Bar
307 Belt Ave.
St. Louis, MO 63112

1 comment:

  1. Type of Food:
    Nik's is a wine bar. They have a novel of a drink menu, but not a ton of food options. The options they have, however, are unique and interesting.
    Nik's is located on a really quiet street and is a nice place to sit outside and eat. Inside it is bar like, though look for some interesting art pieces throughout. Warning: the walk to the women's restroom is extremely long.
    Depends on what you order.
    Don't expect speed. It's a chill out type of place. However, the service is typically friendly and helpful.


    Gila and Stef: Gila and Stef split a polenta dish and a pasta dish. The pasta was yummy. However, the polenta was a poor value and tasted weird to boot. They both like Nik's in general for outdoor seating and long chats.

    Jonathan: Jonathan started a trend of ordering Nik's special spiked hot chocolate. We all ended up getting it and would recommend it to anyone.

    Carla: Ordered an open face roast beef sandwich covered with cheese.
    Enjoyed in thoroughly. The same dish was ordered by Jonathan and Jamey.

    Dinner Club Guest: Got a martini and loved it.

    Debbie and Lee: The only dessert getters. Enjoyed a frozen cheesecake.


Save the date!

The next installment of St. Louis Dinner Club will be held on...

Monday, February 7, 2011 at 7:00 PM